We are pleased to announce, we have raised $1,050 through our employee charitable giving program. for End 68 Hours of Hunger, a program fighting childhood food insecurity in New Hampshire.
Avery recognizes the importance of charitable nonprofit organizations and encourages employees to donate to a human service organization of their choosing through voluntary payroll deductions which will be 100 percent matched by Avery, making an even greater impact.
Annually, the Avery Community Relations Committee designates a program benefactor. This year, considering the high rates of inflation and rising grocery prices, the committee decided to select a food-centric non-profit. “It is heartbreaking to think a child will leave school on Friday and have very little to eat until Monday,” said Sheila Skelley, Chair of the Community Relations Committee. “Our donation will provide 105 children with nourishing food to get them through the weekend.”
Committed to building better communities, Avery also offers its Avery Cares program where each employee is granted paid time off each calendar year to volunteer service to a community, civic, or non-profit organization. With these two programs, Avery encourages employees to contribute in the ways that are most needed, whether it’s donating, volunteering, or simply spreading awareness. Avery has 30+ employees and provides customized insurance solutions for businesses and individuals across the country. To learn more about careers at Avery Insurance or how we can help protect your assets, please contact us.