Contrary to popular belief, employee engagement does not mean that and employee is happy or satisfied in their job. What it does mean is this: employees possess an emotional commitment to their organization and its goals. They care about the company; their relationships with fellow co-workers, their manager, and leadership; and how their contributions impact the big picture ~ the company’s success. Here are some 2015 statistics to consider:
- 82% of employees said it’s very important that their organization address the employee engagement problem via Psychometrics Engagement Study
- 79% of highly engaged employees have trust and confidence in their leaders via Towers Watson, “Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment” Global Workforce Study
- Employees who report feeling valued by their employer are 60% more likely to report they are motivated to do their very best for their employer via Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, “American Psychology Association Harrison Interactive,” Workplace Survey